Shanesh offers its COLORS Applications for Autism.  COLORS delivers extended evidence-based therapy, such as Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), for special needs education, children with learning disabilities, and people with autism or autism spectrum disorder (ASD).  The effects of ASD include impaired verbal communication and social interaction.  These effects are benefited by early, intensive, and special education.  

COLORS provides a learning intervention that can be used in-school by teachers, after-school by therapists, or at-home by parents.  The program allows for individualization, customizable settings, powerful data tracking, and instant reporting.

Learning Disabilities and Autism
About 13% of children are diagnosed with a developmental disability in some form.  These disabilities range from mild disabilities, such as speech and language impairment, to serious disabilities, such as cerebral palsy or autism.

One out of every 110 children is diagnosed with autism or ASD.  ASD diagnosis occurs across all ethnic, racial, and socio-economic groups.  However, it is found at four to five times higher rates in boys than in girls. 

The median age of ASD diagnosis is between 4.5 and 5.5 years of age, though signs are noticed by parents or other adults in most children by or before the age of three.  Research shows that ASD diagnosis is even reliable and valid at the age of two.  From this, it is clear that signs of autism or ASD typically occur prior to the age of diagnosis.

If we assume there are 4 million births in the US each year, this means 36,500 children will be diagnosed with ASD each year.  Further, assuming a constant diagnosis rate over the past 20 years, it is estimated that 730,000 individuals between the ages of 0 and 21 years have been diagnosed with ASD.  The number of individuals and therapists that use learning disability-improving systems is large. 


Shanesh COLORS offers advanced technological applications that benefit both children and adults with learning disabilities, and the therapists that assist in making their lives better.  COLORS delivers evidence-based therapy, such as ABA, for special needs education, children with learning disabilities, and people with autism or autism-spectrum disorder (ASD).

Shanesh COLORS offers iPad and tablet technology that can be used in multiple settings: classrooms, therapy spaces, and home environments.  In this way, it provides therapists and parents with versatile options for delivering learning applications and programs. 

The touch screen technology and animation helps in providing individualized education plans (IEP) based on the individual's interests, preferences, and levels of development.  There is no need for keyboard or mouse!  The fully-integrated tracking and monitoring system is offered for iPads, other tablets, classroom kiosks, and mobile devices with iOS, Microsoft Windows, or Android platforms.

The mission of COLORS is to introduce a synchronized, holistic, integrated and collaborative intervention approach to special needs education.  Whether you are a teacher, therapist, or parent, COLORS will provide an easy-to-use system for your special needs individuals that will provide benefits throughout their lifetimes.

Chad Beacham,
Hulet Smith, OT